Old People Wearing Vegetation by Eyes as Big as Plates
Join me in a whoop of appreciation to Eyes as Big as Plates, an ongoing collaborative venture between Riitta Ikonen (Finland) and Karoline Hjorth (Norway), for these photographs of old people wearing vegetation.
I am simultaneously struck wordless and desperate to write stories for each and every image. And there are more! Look here ... and here ... and here ...
I've just sent off for my Senior Railcard (on which, interestingly, there is no photograph) - could this mean that someday I, too, could be allowed to wear bits of the landscape? Please?
(Many thanks to Catherine Johnson for flagging these up on Facebook - I've been thrusting them at people ever since!)
Happy TUCO Day!
And today I'm posting on Girls Heart Books - join me there to celebrate the ordinary!
Thank you, Unbound!
Currently up to my eyeballs in snow, and thinking wishful thoughts of spring - here's the evidence!
Cheers, Joan.
The Useful Hammer
I'm posting on An Awfully Big Blog Adventure today about the advantages of hitting things - come on over! Even my Quaker friends are invited!
Croissant, Mon Amour
Yesterday I finished the edits on the 4th Slightly Jones Mystery - The Case of the Hidden City. Feeling a bit nostalgic now - end of a book, end of a series, sort of thing. And also so glad this one was set in Paris. My week last autumn was extraordinarily magnifique, and here, to celebrate and remember, is a tiny classic-in-the-making: Croissant de Triomphe.
Yes. That's exactly the way it was ...
(Thanks to Lindsey Fraser who shared this on Facebook.)
I'm Sorry I 'Ave a Cold
World Book Day week - the opening of the Farlin Exhibition at StAnza Poetry Festival - moving oldest son to Edinburgh - it's a busy old week, about which I will certainly speak. But not right now. Right now I am going back to bed with a cold, while I can. And as I blow my nose, again, this is the view I will be looking at. Pathetic fallacy or what.
Cabinets I Covet
I'm working on the edits for the last Slightly Jones Mystery - The Case of the Hidden City this week and it made me think of Paris ... ah, Paris ... So I had a trawl through the photos and came across this pair of cabinets with their inlaid birds from the Louvre, that I was pleased to be reminded of. There may very well be some sort of clever connection to be made between the art of marquetry and the art of editing, amending, inserting a bit here and a bob there, but I can't quite figure out what it would be. So I'm just going to enjoy the birds, and I hope you do too.
P.S. Next week is World Book Day week AND StAnza, the St Andrews Poetry Festival, and I will be away from the computer quite a lot, so I'll just flag up now that Tuesday 5th March I'm posting on The History Girls website - come on over!