Saturday, September 24, 2016

The Emma Press Anthology of the Sea and Seagate III

Really pleased to have poems in these two anthologies, just out -

If you fancy getting hold of either/both, here are the links:

The Emma Press Anthology of the Sea


Seagate III

Happy Book Birthdays!

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Swallows and a Tin/Ten Anniversary

a) I'm missing Indonesia, but the swallows gathering on the wires out the front window are quite comforting.

b) I started blogging exactly 10 years ago, on 17 Sept. 2006.  If my blog and I were married, this would be our tin anniversary.  That's what wikipedia says, any way, though I wonder if there's just a misspelling of ten.

c) I see my first students as an official RLF Fellow at Dundee University on Monday - wish us luck!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Greens and Grays (Indonesia 3)

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Astonishing Stone (Indonesia 2)

Saturday, September 10, 2016

September - New Prize, New Job, New Memories

5 September was announcement day - 3 novels were shortlisted for the very first Scottish Teenage Book Prize - and Silver Skin was one of the them!  So exciting!  Find out more here - and if you live in Scotland and are aged 12-16, why not take part?

9 September was back to school - the first day of my new job as a Royal Literary Fund Fellow, as part of the Student Services at Dundee University.  I start seeing students soon - looking forward to it!

And 6 September was the day I got back from Indonesia (I'd like to say it was also the day my suitcase got back from Indonesia, but at least it's arrived now!)  My head is nowhere near being able to get any of the swirl of sights and sounds and smells and tastes and people into any kind of order, so I'll just bung up some photos ...

There will be more - you have been warned!

Saturday, September 03, 2016

Wish You Were Here 2

When you read this, I will be on my last weekend in Indonesia - in weird time travel mode, I feel a bit sad just writing those words.

Prambanam Temple (Wikipedia)

Palace pavilion at Yogyakarta (Wikipedia)

Next weekend I'll be blogging from Scotland, in real time ...