An Outing for Silver Skin
It seemed like such a good idea at the time - bring the proof copy of Silver Skin to the National Museum of Scotland and take some amazing photographs of it with the carved stones from Skara Brae. I imagined something with reflections in the glass and a ghostly image of me in there somewhere looking, well, ghostly. Turns out neither the lighting nor my camera were up to the job. The gallery that has the Skara Brae stones is beautiful, wonderful, atmospheric - and dark. Maybe with a tripod and a shedload more know-how than I have, something could have been achieved, but as it was ... not so much.
So I had a bash at balancing the book on the Paolozzi exhibition cases in the outer area, and there, as you can see, it was too bright! (That's my excuse ...)
Never mind - for a first book-and-camera outing it was at least fun. And that's a bracelet from Skara Brae, anyway!
Now where should I try next ...?