Saturday, October 12, 2024

Collective Noun

I've had the company of a seal or two on almost every walk I've taken here in Fair Isle, but there is one place, just near the South Lighthouse, where I can count on seeing 6, 7, 8 seals, all hanging out together. I stand and watch them, and they mess about in the waves and watch me. 

Which raises the question - what is the collective noun for a bunch of seals? There are enough candidates to need a collective noun of their own: from different parts of the world we have a herd, a pod, a harem, a plump, a spring, a crash, a colony, a rookery... 

But my lot? They're clearly and utterly a bob. 

Saturday, October 05, 2024

Green Verse from Saraband


I'm very pleased to have a poem in this anthology from Saraband - appropriately in the 'Long Live the Weeds!' section of the Autumn season! Edited by Rosie Storey Hilton, Green Verse is available here.