Saturday, September 26, 2020

26 Wild - The Story's Not Over


It's happened again!  Another 26 challenge and delight!

This time, the Writers' Collective 26 has joined forces with The Wildlife Trusts for a new project called 26 Wild. 52 writers were asked to write about 'animals in danger of disappearing, whose absence would be a loss to the world.' And to mark that potential absence, we were not to include the name of our creature except in the title. Instead, we were to use ( ). Then we were also to write a 400 word essay on our animal and the danger it was in.

My animal was the Kittiwake, and it was a privilege to write about this lovely bird.

A book of all 52 centenas is being produced and you can reserve a copy for yourself here.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Dear Algorithm

 I like Instagram.  I have a really lovely circle of writers and artists and knitters and nature photographers and cat-and-dog lovers, and the images they put up give me a lot of pleasure.  I like posting my own photos too.  But ...

Why do I keep getting followed by middle-aged white American men who are explicitly Christian/military/musclely?  Why do I keep getting comments about my lovely smile and how much they like the colour of my hair?  I get that it's not that easy to find anything to compliment when you're confronted with a 67 year old woman whose body has gone south in great swathes, but why do you think I want your compliments at all?

Look, dear algorithm - I'm a writer aka broke.  I'm about as sexy as your gran, and I like it that way.  I'm really, utterly, truly not interested.  So go away.

Meantime, I will continue to be bewildered, make regular culls of my followers list, and enjoy the photos from people who couldn't give a toss about the loveliness of my smile!

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Writing a Synopsis (Sigh)


Great Dane and Chihuahua (wiki commons)

My job this weekend is to write a synopsis of my work-in-progress (working title: Nia and the Ruins).  As a metaphor, I have shown you a picture of a Great Dane and a Chihuahua.  I will leave it up to your imagination to decide which is which.


Sunday, September 06, 2020

Chickens, Pigs, Rats and Japanese Yodelling

A few years ago, I was introduced to the inimitable Mr Takeo Ischi.  Now, since you may have forgotten, I will share with you again Chicken Attack, where the story started.  But, you will have wondered, what in the name of justice happened next?  

Watch and find out ...

The Yodel of Justice WILL be heard!