Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Space at the Heartsong

Join me today on Nicola Morgan's Heartsong Blog.  She is running a series of interviews with authors who have dived into the deep waters of self-publishing.  In my case, it's been more of a toe-dip, but nonetheless she kindly gave me room to talk about it!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Violas and Vikings

A week of two Vs.  Ploughing on with the book about the viola player (and other things, too, but they don't start with V, so I'm not mentioning them right now).  And working through the edits of two Viking books - Leif Frond and the Viking Games, and Leif Frond and Quickfingers - to be published by A&C Black next August.

If you smell burning, it's my brain changing gears.  

P.S.  I am also over on Girls Heart Books with a Video (Ha!  Got in another V!) about 2,586 Things to do with books - 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

When Only Chess Will Do

Today I'm not doing what I was going to do, over on An Awfully Big Blog Adventure -


What a lovely weekend - many thanks to Bookmark, aka the Blairgowrie, Rattray and the Glens Book Festival for letting me be part of their very first year.

Looking forward to next year already!  Huzzah!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Slightly Jones and The Guardian Online

Children's books badge with stamp

Slightly's in The Guardian!  How cool is that!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

POV - a photo essay

It's been a week of work on Point of View - plenty different pairs of eyes, one old stump.

P.S.  If you're anywhere near the Cupar Arts Festival this Sunday, come to the Platform Open Mic session at The Bakery Cafe from 2:00 - 4:00 and I'll buy you a coffee.  (My five minutes of fame is/are right near the end.  Looking forward to it!)

Monday, October 07, 2013

Muse Monday, courtesy of Katherine Roberts

Today I'm over on Katherine Roberts' blog Riding the Unicorn, talking about Slightly Jones and an old lady in my life.

Sunday, October 06, 2013

Human and Nice

Just back from Wigtown - and no headache!  Granted, I do have backache (which, if you think about it, is a shorter person's headache) from carrying ferrets in a suitcase and other stuff on, off and between trains, but it's a doddle compared to a socked-in headache.

I'm grateful for that, and here are some other thank yous - 

Thank you to everyone who came to the Tales from the Turrets event - we talked about ferrets and old dogs and flying poo - and I learned things about Saturn that I never knew before!

But also a big thank you to all the people who had the time to stop and chat and just generally be human and nice - thanks to Peggy and Prudence, to Linda Cracknell (she wasn't actually there when I was but I had the pleasure of the company of her book The Call of the Undertow -which I HIGHLY recommend), to Tuba Guy and Scott at the Ford Bank Hotel, to Renita and Kim Ayres the photographer and Mary - and renewed apologies to the lady I approached with the words "Are you Mary?" who thought I was asking impertinent questions about her marital status.  And there were more.  Wigtown is a friendly place.

Writers spend a lot of time with the people in their heads, and it's a good thing to leave them behind occasionally and be with the real sort.

So, yeah.  Thank you.

Oh, and yesterday I was over with The History Girls talking about, among other things, how not to laugh ...