Hawthornden International Retreat for Writers

Till now, I've never seriously considered applying for one of the fellowships - who can get away from home for an entire month?! - though it didn't stop me fantasizing about how great it would be. BUT since I will soon be living in a son-free house (which would probably be more accurately desribed as a son-empty house - much dread about that) and I am on my last year of piano teaching ... I did apply. And they said yes. On posh creamy paper with an elegant maroon band round the edges. I can't think of a more fabulous early Christmas present! AMAZING!
So next September there I will be - living the fantasy, writing my tiny socks off, with a foolish grin stuck to my face for 30 days. All this, and Christmas too!
I'll be blogging again in 2009, so in the meantime Happy Christmas and New Year - Joan Lennon (J.G.* Fellow)
* as in Jolly Good ...
P.S. I got the photo of the Castle off the internet - Dave Henniker was the photographer.