Saturday, July 02, 2016

Chunks and Threads - the Scalpel and the Darning Needle

I'm in the throes of editing.  I'm on the third pass.  Pass One was re-acquainting myself with the manuscript (as it's been a while and I've been head-full of other stories) and taking on board my editor's comments.  Pass Two was to take as many words out as possible, in chunks and on the level of sentences.  (The book was too long as it stood.)  Pass Three is to deal with those chapters where I took chunks out and needed to put different, smaller chunks in, and couldn't see exactly how to in Pass Two.  Pass Four will be to see if any of the seams show, and to make sure that none of the threads are broken or have gone adrift.  Then it's back to the editor, who will then send it back to me with more comments for Pass Five.

Having said the word "Pass" so often, my mind is now clogged up with phrases like "This Too Will Pass" and "Pass Go" and "You Passed!"  Or maybe "A Pretty Pass" and "A Mountain Pass" ...

Onwards.  An excellent direction.  



At 1:05 AM, Blogger Joan Lennon said...

I put up a picture of some tweed cloth because one of the last stages of tweed production is to lay the cloth out on a light table and search meticulously for any loose or imperfect threads. Which would be my Pass Four. A light table for novels would be excellent!

At 1:19 AM, Blogger Ann Turnbull said...

That tweed is beautiful. So is your writing, Joan - no doubt because you take such care over it.

At 1:30 AM, Blogger Joan Lennon said...

Thank you, Ann - what a nice thing to say! Sends me back into the fray (little cloth joke there) heartened!

At 4:02 AM, Blogger Maureen said...

Fascinating tweed process! And one thing your "pass" isn't is the card game pass, as you never give up the chance to play, and weave, and make a beautiful, strong and enduring fabric! Here's to passing on, to us, that new cloth.


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