
Three launches ...
This week the Scottish Book Trust Scottish Family Legends project culminated in an evening book launch at the BBC Scotland building in Glasgow. The anthology is published in book form by Luath Press, who did an excellent job, or you can view the entries (including the photos, which would of course have been way too expensive to include in the book) on-line here. Callum and I went over to Glasgow for the event and thoroughly enjoyed it (we particularly appreciated it being a sitting-down event, after spending a long afternoon at the Kelvingrove Museum and generally walking about!)
Next Monday, the Haiku or a Hundred Words project is going to be doing some culminating of its own - a presentation of P7's work at an assembly for parents and other pupils at Clovenstone Primary School. I'm taking my camera!
And, at a slight tangent, I have met my object in the 26 Treasures project - and it is 4 links from a drag chain, which are used in, you guessed it, the launching of ships. This is a project based in the National Museum of Scotland, in which 26 writers have been assigned 26 objects to write about. If you'd like to see the first such project, at the V & A in London last year, look here. I'll be posting more on this soon!
And none of these events have been costly, which proves that there is indeed such a thing as a free launch ...
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