Saturday, June 04, 2011

Haiku or a Hundred Words Project - Clovenstone Primary School

First there was the zoo, in search of inspiration ...

Then there was the writing ...

And THEN, on the 13th June, there will be ...


Come back soon to see photos from the great presentation event of the year!


At 2:09 AM, Blogger Lindsey Fraser said...

Sounds as if it was a great day. Very much looking forward to reading the results.

At 12:13 PM, Blogger Sue Purkiss said...

I want to know more! Did they have to write either a haiku, or a hundred words in prose?

At 12:23 PM, Blogger Joan Lennon said...

That's right - the hundred words can be anything from an interview with an animal to a play to a very short story to just a description, and the haiku are trying to catch a moment in time in a very few words.
Mostly it was 'and' not 'or', once they got started - one boy wrote a bunch of poems and was starting on his second hundred words - Act 2 of a play!
This is a pilot project that I'm hoping will take off - it would be so cool to do it in Deep Sea World next!


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