Introducing ...
... the very new, very gorgeous Silver Skin website! If I knew how to do a screen grab I'd show you the front page (but hey, even knowing the words "screen grab" is pretty good going for me.) So click here and have a look for yourself at the work of Jamie Heitler aka the Coding God.*
* Never mind that the learning curve required crampons at various points along the way - a bona fide CG now he is!
(I'm also over on An Awfully Big Blog Adventure posting about Daniel Pennac's The Rights of the Reader - come on by!)
Cor that's well smart, that is! But I haven't read any of it as I'm nearly finished reading the book and I don't want to stumble across any spoilers ... I'm sure there aren't. but just in case ... (Its a well good book as well as website!)
And I see you have been photobombed yet again ... :-)
Monkey? What monkey?
(I'm so glad you're liking the book - thanks for all the support!)
Joan - a screen-shot, for the taking of.
Look at 'all programmes' on your computer - click on Microsoft coloured ball at bottom right corner of screen. Menu pops up. Click on 'all programmes' right at the bottom.
Look down the list of programmes until you find 'Paint.' Click to open, then minimise.
Go to screen you want to shoot. Look along the buttons on the top row of your keyboard (probably) Press the one labelled 'PrntScr' or similiar.
Maximise Paint. Press Cntrl (bottom left of keyboard) plus V. Press them together. Cntrl + V.
Your screenshot will appear in paint. You can then save it. Press 'Save As' and save it to wherever you want, as a jpeg. You can then open it as a photo in Windows Media and crop it, alter the colour balance, etc.
Great website! Better book!
Thanks for the techno-help, Sue - I'll copy and paste that information for next time!
Wow! I am SO impressed by that. The God of Coding has done a marvellous job.
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