You can find some complete surprises just by googling yourself. Like this, the Czech version of Questors, for example:

I knew the rights had been bought by the Czech Egmont, but not anything else - and there it was! Patraci by Joan Lennonova! Once you know what to look for, it shows up on a bunch of Czech Fantasy and SciFi sites. Here, for example, and here. Any Czech speakers out there - please get in touch and tell me what's being said about the book!
I even found a site that lists where Questors is in the Singapore library system - all 40 branches - and even whether the book is currently out on loan or not. Amazing! Okay, the Internet still asks me every time if I really mean John Lennon when I type in my name, but it only does that to make sure I don't get big-headed about it all.
Don't worry - it's working. Joan.
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