Saturday, November 25, 2017

Moniack Mhor's Programme for 2018 is Live!

Summer is a little hard to imagine just now, but looking ahead to July next year, maybe you'd like to come to Moniack Mhor Writing Centre (aka Heaven on a Hill).  If so, the 2018 programme has just gone live.  Paul Magrs and I will be running a week's course on Writing Young Adult SF/Fantasy.  Mid-week, Gill Arbuthnott will be joining us as our Guest Speaker.

A bit from the blurb -

Have you ever felt put off, thinking you don’t know enough about science – or fantasy – or young people – to write your own YA SF/Fantasy stories? Some of the most page-turning writing being published today is YA SF/Fantasy, and this course will help you become part of it.

It's a ways off* yet, but still, it's something to think about, in the midst of cold dark November days ... I for one can't wait!

* "a ways off" - an odd expression, when you think about it, but it has a nice un-specificity about it that I like.


At 4:10 AM, Blogger Maureen said...

Summer pictures, and a project: perfect!


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